'U'ber mich

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The Hanging Soul... wandering about life...I float in dreams and my visions fly, up to the questions that pass my mind...i look at life and wonder why...no one sees the love, the beauty, the glory, the enigma, the mystery of this time

Monday, June 11, 2007

is your blog - > to read or not to read?

why does one write a blog? Is it for people to read or is it for one to write?? there comes a time in every writer's life when s/he thinks about who the reader is going to be or even if there will be a reader!! it's good to ask such questions to oneself...(for improving content).... but never be bogged down by the answers. writing in the end is a balm to the soul...

i've always wanted to write blogs... it's so much simpler than the battle between the pen and the paper that takes place when u're venting onto that personal diary... i would know... i have atleast 4 of them... each with a different purpose i've got Crappy (my first), SNOREZ (my diary on dreams), the SMSer (where i write quotes for SMSes)... and Varuna (my haupt Diary - conatins my experiences and thoughts) and a poetry book. I still write in some while others have served their life and live on as tombstones of a time, an emotion, a dream, a hope, a prayer, a part of me!!

come to think of it...we all write our diaries...but who really reads our diary anyway?? blogs are just personal diaries which may become famous before one dies....and more than famous it may be of use to someone... it may be the balm to someone elses soul...a lost soul...looking for just something out there to get them through....something to let them know they're not alone... just like the writer

so whether or not there is a reader it's important to just write....right away....

1 comment:

lost prophet said...

this time...cudnt refrian from writing... enjoyed ur experience in the wet bombay!

but wonderign wht colors do u see in dilli??