'U'ber mich

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The Hanging Soul... wandering about life...I float in dreams and my visions fly, up to the questions that pass my mind...i look at life and wonder why...no one sees the love, the beauty, the glory, the enigma, the mystery of this time

Friday, August 14, 2009


Okay, so I must confess that I haven't written a blog in a long long time.... but well...there hasn't been much muse to talk of....or perhaps there has been....it just hasn't got me moving off my lazy bum.

a reintroduction may not be befitting....but as the blog name suggests.... it talks of those random daily things, things i would perhaps discuss with you if you were hanging out with me.

Since I've already mentioned the word 'muse'... i must go on to explain it further. If you ask me to cross my heart and swear to die... i would say i'm not much of a writer....perhaps a poet... but that's it...and i just use 'muse' as an escape point to avoid dealing with writing...which can open up a lot of forbidden doors...

But yes, i do need a muse to feel inspired to write....maybe not a Shakespeare style muse...some magical prince in shining armour or anything....but more of a real muse...some one or some thing that can make me deal with my feelings....i've written odes to cigarettes as well...so it doesn't take much to be my muse...i need a spark from that muse...something extraordinary....something that has a punch...good or bad is regardless

well....since i am reblogging....a post or two of inspiration may not be such a bad thing to get me going....

but this time... i'll try to be a little more regular!

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